This way you can make a difference every month with just one action.
You have two options:
1. Make a monthly donation here
2. Draw up a standing order online with your bank app.
3. You can download this form and send it filled in to your bank.
It is up to you to choose the amount and the date on which the authorization takes effect. You can withdraw or change your authorization at any time.


Would you like to give your company a positive and dynamic image? Are you sensitive to the social impact of your company, recognising a communal responsibility in the implementation of sustainable solutions?
Come on board with your company !
Even after you have passed away, you can make a difference and contribute to a more just world. To be able to leave funds to an organisation you have to make a will. The intervention of a notary or a confidential counselor is not mandatory, but it is recommended to be sure of the validity of the will and compliance with the applicable law of inheritance.


Whether you are hyper-connected, an organizational tiger, or have certain skills, your help is welcome! Let us know, support our campaigns, share clicks, share a link to our website in your emails. Meet people, strengthen our teams in the field during our actions or lend a hand in logistics, for example by providing rooms or a trailer. Do you like photography or video? Then help us with our communication campaigns. Do you like numbers, computers and the like? Give us a hand in administration or IT. Whoever you are, contact Lara.