WAPA supports income generating activities.

Livelihood and microcredits (SDGs 8, 4 and 10), – income generating activities = IGA – and vocational training are the main spearheads of our reintegration activities. After the end of the conflict / demobilization, (ex) child soldiers (and other war victims) must start rebuilding.

Our objectives

  • Supporting vulnerable communities by setting up IGAs (income generating activities) to improve their living conditions, combat poverty and reduce unemployment through community based organizations (CBOs);

  • Offering prospects for decent jobs and sustainable livelihoods;

  • Enable the generation of an income (or a wage supplement) so that family members can be cared for in a dignified manner (children, parents, cousins and sometimes non-working men);

  • Reduce gender inequalities at work (access, pay, responsibilities);

  • Adapt work to family and physical limitations (e.g. disabilities, etc.)

  • With grants and microcredits giving access to funding sources to develop IGAs;

  • Literacy, training and development of technical and professional skills of future employees (training in marketing, inventory management, accounting, management, etc.).

Some examples of our achievements

Model barn

Purchase of dairy cows

Training and production center


With this platform you can easily set up a fundraising campaign (sponsoring a sporting achievement, wedding, birthday, baptism, second-hand clothing sales, dinner parties with friends,…) for WAPA and share it with your loved ones. You can also join a pre-existing campaign.